lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019


candela Abadiano Parra


A mi em sembla una porqueria que la gent tiri les coses al terra.
L'altre dia van haver de venir gent voluntària a recogir la brossa que tira la gent  terra . 
Estem contaminant el món perquè som uns ganduls em comptes de tirar-ho al terra o podrien tirar a la brossa.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2019

This is me 

I'm Candela and I'm eleven years old and I'm from Tarrassa.

My birthday is 21th july. I'm a student in sixth grade. 

I've got two brothers : José is 13 and rafael is four .

I'm medium tall with brown eyes , a small nose and a medium mouth . I've got long , straight and brown hair .

I like pasta, pizza and meat very much . 
I like fruits and Ilove orange juice but
I d'ont like pears . I drink a lot of water , and Ilove chocolate . I have got a litle cat . 
It's in a yellow house. It's white colour and it eats biscuits and milk 

In my free time. 
I like playing football, playing with the mobile phone , watching TV and painting my cousin's face.  

I d'ont like to work or to go to school , eithen playing basketball.